Individual Assistance
The Individual Assistance page is a hub to connect Breckenridge residents with a variety of supportive services and programs that are available to enhance your quality of life. Learn about local housing initiatives, healthcare options, conservation organizations, workforce resources & more.
The Breckenridge Tourism Office (BTO) strives to be a valuable, timely resource for our community. Please contact Tessa at TBreder@GoBreck.com for further assistance.
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Individual Assistance
The Individual Assistance page is a hub to connect Breckenridge residents with a variety of supportive services and programs that are available to enhance your quality of life. Learn about local housing initiatives, healthcare options, conservation organizations, workforce resources & more.
The Breckenridge Tourism Office (BTO) strives to be a valuable, timely resource for our community. Please contact Tessa at TBreder@GoBreck.com for further assistance.

Health Care
Health and Wellness
FIRC’s Health Navigators can help break down barriers and guide you to the care that you need, whether it is health insurance, mental health support, or peer support programs.
Mental Health:
Adult Resources
Youth/Teen Resources
Building Hope provides mental and emotional health support for everyone in Summit County and gets people connected to the appropriate resource when they experience barriers to access. Building Hope offers many support groups, crisis services, and even provides scholarships for therapy sessions.
Get Help Now
Are you or someone you love in immediate need of help? Building Hope has a guide to help you understand what options you can take in extreme risk, moderate risk, or low risk situations.
Health Insurance:
Colorado’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace
Shop online and compare plans between multiple companies or speak with experts who can guide you through enrollment and answer your questions.
Financial Assistance
You might be eligible for premium tax credits that lower your monthly premiums or cost-sharing reductions that give you healthcare discounts.
Health First Colorado (Medicaid)
This free or low-cost health care is for qualifying Colorado children and adults.
Breckenridge Housing
Learn about Breckenridge’s housing plans and strategies, studies, reports, and more.
Lease to Locals
Cash incentives for property managers and property owners to convert their short-term rentals into seasonal and long-term rentals.
Buy Down Program
TOB purchases homes that are for sale, places a local workforce restriction on the property, and sells the home at a reduced price.
Housing Helps (Deed Restriction Acquisition)
The Town pays owners, buyers, sellers, including local businesses and investors to accept a deed restriction on homes that are currently unrestricted.
Resources for Renters
The most thorough guide for renting in Summit County. Find information on local affordable housing, tenant/landlord education, and a complete list of classifieds, social media housing groups, and property management companies.
Resources for Buyers
Learn about SCHA’s homebuyer education opportunities, lending programs, purchasing a deed-restricted home, and more.
Human Services
Breckenridge Child Care Tuition Assistance Program
This needs-based program can potentially provide tuition assistance when a family’s child care expenditures exceed 13-16% of their income.
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)
Financial assistance program for child care costs.
ADA & Paratransit Services (Mountain Mobility Shuttle)
Mountain Mobility provides year-round complementary paratransit service to residents and visitors.
Community & Senior Center (SCSC)
SCSC offers a variety of senior services and programming. View the Resource Guide for Older Adults, find day services, register for classes, and much more.
Support Services
FIRC works to strengthen local families through education and financial resources. Among many other services, FIRC offers free food markets, financial assistance programs, and health insurance enrollment assistance.
ADA & Paratransit Services (Mountain Mobility Shuttle)
Mountain Mobility provides year-round complementary paratransit service to residents and visitors.
Community & Senior Center (SCSC)
SCSC offers a variety of senior services and programming. View the Resource Guide for Older Adults, find day services, register for classes, and much more.
Immigration Support
MD supports Summit County’s immigrant community and their families through COVID-19 assistance, legal education, and many other helpful resources.
Vintage – Aging Services
Services include transportation, dental/vision assistance, options counseling, nutrition programs, caregiver support, respite services, health programs, volunteerism, and educational programs.
Colorado Works (TANF)
Colorado Works is Colorado’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The Colorado Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program, in partnership with a third-party vendor, is responsible for ensuring that Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Cash Assistance payments authorized by each county department of human services are issued to approved recipients.
Veteran Services
Find employment opportunities, grants and assistance programs, health care, and more.
Public Health
Summit County Public Health
Find flu vaccine clinics, community health screenings, and other services which prevent disease and promote and protect the health of the community. Public Health also provides information and referral for healthcare availability in Summit County.
Sustainable Breck
Learn about small steps you can take as a local that can make a big impact, such as green commuting, waste reduction, water efficiency, and more.
Residential Waste Reduction and Resource Conservation
Become informed on recycling and composting options around the county, rebate programs, water conservation tips, and other ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint.
Colorado Affordable Residential Energy Program (CARE)
CARE installs free energy efficiency upgrades to reduce the home energy bills of income-qualifying households.
Workforce Support
Workforce Resources
Learn about workers compensation, job postings and trainings, and labor laws and statistics.
Colorado Unemployment
Start a claim and find other helpful resources for unemployed workers.
Job Loss Resources
A one-stop resource for the people of Colorado impacted by job loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Find connections to assistance for life essentials, professional trainings, and job search.
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